Emails vs Client Portal Software
In this article, we will discuss the differences between providing clients documents by sending them as email attachments versus providing the documents through a secure client portal. Some readers may be surprised at how relaxed and affordable a client portal is today.
The truth is that email was not meant to be, nor is it currently, a secure method to convey private information. Encryption of emails is not widely used by the public today. We do not foresee a day when it will be believed that every automated attorney-client message should be encrypted. An unencrypted text or email is the finest choice when the message is “Court is starting in three minutes. Where are you?” An unencrypted email to a client asking “Can we change tomorrow’s appointment from 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.?” It doesn’t trouble us, although some lawyers somewhere might disagree. If that client you are texting about the appointment time alteration also wants to discuss all aspects of their awaiting criminal charges or the possible merger of their publicly-traded company with you via text message, Confidentiality and Cybersecurity in the 21st Century both are needed (of course texting is more secure than unencrypted email.)
CPA Secure Client Portal
Using a CPA secure client portal to create digital client files, which include all documents and other information related to that matter is the best way for CPAs today for a variety of reasons.
Having your client portal automatically provided through your client portal software is a simple and easy way to provide a better and more secure document sharing with your clients. Suppose you need to discuss a significant matter with a client or client’s representative who is traveling. You will both appreciate the convenience of the client being able to sign in to their CPA client portal to look at documents in their file via a laptop or other mobile device. Some of these tools even notify the CPA when a client has opened and seen a particular document.
The great thing about client portals is that the providers are coming up with other great innovative ideas. One major feature has recently added to secure client portal i.e. document storage capability. One thing that is certain about every secure client portal is that the company’s founders understood from the beginning that there had to be secure methods that were built to protect the confidences of any confidential firm’s clients. The majority of these providers, at least in the small to medium-sized market, are cloud-based, which makes developing the secure client portals relatively simple and gives the business owner ease of working from home or a hotel room with the same interface and information they would have while working in the office.
A secure client portal is the only best way to share confidential information at a consolidated forum with your clients. My CPA Dashboard provides a secure client portal for its clients so that every information should be end to end encrypted between the client and the CPA.